Attraction Between Chub And Chaser

Most people who are looking to connect with another person is wishing, if not praying, that person wants the same. There is no guarantee that will be the case. It is what it is…life. But we can’t hide away in the shadows if we expect to have an extraordinary attraction between chub and chaser.

“What ifs” will always roll around in your head but make sure to ask yourself the right questions that provokes a positive response. More on that at another time.

Chasers love the chaser. We do but we also like to know we aren’t wasting our time. The same should go for you when you take the chance and put yourself out there with an introduction.

First of all, congrats on taking that step. It is huge and you are miles ahead of those who convince themselves there are easier ways to meet someone. The quickest way to start the attraction between chub and chaser is in person and from YOU.

If you are actively looking for love (doing SOMETHING on a consistent basis that positions you closer to your goal of a relationship) then your chances of success has been assured. Fortune favors the brave and action takers are hungry for change. They try, they learn, they rinse and repeat until it comes easy. How do you think salesmen and chasers get so smooth? Practice.

The attraction between chub and chaser should be a push and pull. People want to know they are wanted but if you just “place” yourself in someone else’s space then you will never know if your presence is REALLY wanted there.

This has happened to me before when someone latches onto your group because they want to get to know you better. How can you handle this in a better way? By doing two things.

First make the initiate contact by introducing yourself. Be clever and witty as usually. Gauge how the conversation is going but don’t tie yourself to the group. You came out to have a good time so do that. Move around, engage with your friends if you came with a group. Meet and greet other people that you know in the place also.

If you just latch on to their group, you become a third wheel and puts him in an awkward position with his friends. If you leave or show him your time is valuable and respected by others, that makes you desired.

Doing these things will allow for the push and pull. If you did your job well with the intro and there is some attraction, then he will make it known to you. You just need to be within his line of sight.
Give him a chance to show you that he is interested. 

If he isn’t, well you’ve made your presence known and that has value. You’ve displayed confidence to yourself and him and planted a seed that can slowly be nurtured over time. You aren’t trying to grow a forest over night but a simple “Hi” the next time you see him has been earned.

So allow for attraction to happen between chubs and chasers and don’t try to force it. If your focus is a relationship, take your time. Build a foundation for yourself that will support your path to love. 

If you feel you need more instruction on how to attract a chaser, then check out this ebook, “ Attract A Chaser Into Your Life”. There are secrets that will help you attract a chasers. I look forward to connecting with you in the future.


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